Thief Manuals

Thief Manuals


In the shadows of The City, life and death change hands as sure as coin. Built over more times than history can recall, this contrasting sprawl of ancient stone and modern metal hides many secrets. Some would pay well for them to be uncovered; others to have them remain safely hidden away.

Garrett, the Master Thief, knows this well. He grew up alone on The City’s fog-bound streets, honing his trade on the Thieves’ Highway across the rooftops. What began as stealing for survival has become a lucrative occupation thanks to Basso, the Master Thief’s only friend and fence. In good times and bad Garrett is the best thief who ever lived, remarkably skilled in infi ltration, stealing and evading those who would disagree.

But now The City has grown sick.

Baron Northcrest, the Iron Leader, has become ever more ruthless in his pursuit of progress; a promised golden age of industry that has yet to arrive. In his name the Watch, led by the feared Thief-Taker General, maintain order by the most brutal means. Already suffering from the onset of a mysterious sickness known as “the gloom”, the people of The City struggle under increasingly harsh rule and the threat of uprising grows.

Seemingly back from the dead and searching for answers, the Master Thief returns to his home on the brink of this terrible change. Some will seek to use that change to their own ends. For Garrett, normally free of responsibility and master only to himself, The City’s darkest hour offers the deepest shadows, the greatest rewards and the highest price.

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